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He’s in it for the long run! – Mat’s Leicester Half Marathon success

We love celebrating success here at Soabar! Our team have so many different interests outside of work, from yoga to video games to a bit of baking. This week we’re zooming in on our Estimator Mat Revitt’s recent success in the Leicester Half Marathon! Mat is a keen runner and even completed the London Marathon in a very respectable sub-5 hours earlier this year. We’re so proud of his recent achievement, and wanted to share his experience both pre and post race with you too. Well done Mat- you can put your feet up now and enjoy that Moretti!

"I told myself to focus on the mile I'm currently in, not how much distance is still to come"

Describe how you got into running/your running journey so far.

I first got into running in my 20’s to help with fitness when playing various team sports. I ran a few half marathon’s but mostly shorter distances. Around 10 – 15 years ago I started to enter the ballot for the London marathon but secretly was happy when I was declined each time. Over the last few years though, I have increased the distance and finally I was successful in the London ballot which I ran this year in just under 5 hours, raising over £1500 for Heartlink charity.

What do you enjoy most about running?

Time with my own thoughts and no distractions. I enjoy the mental training as much as the physical training that running gives.

Who did you run the Leicester Half with?

I ran with a friend who is training for The London Marathon. This was his longest run so far, so it was good to be his support and encouragement.

What did your training look like in the lead up?

I’m in a good place training wise, every few weeks I am running a half marathon as part of my training, with a few PB’s along the way! I have eventually ran sub 2 hours, albeit by 17 seconds!

What is a song on your running playlist? 

I very rarely listen to music whilst running but when I do my go to music is Michael Jackson.

Favourite pair of running trainers you’ve ever owned?

Asics are my trainers of choice, I have never owned a bad pair and they seem to fit me really well. My current pair are now well used so I am due a new pair soon.

Did you go out aiming for a time?

As I ran with a friend, I was aiming to help him around in approximately 2hr 10mins. I really enjoyed taking in the sites and not pushing too hard- that target was a nice pace for me. I finished in 2hr 8mins so under my goal!

Describe the run for us in 3 words…

Support, hilly and familiar!

Who did you have there cheering you on? At what point did you see them?

Various friends supported me along the route but the one that stood out was on a bridge over the road so we could spot them from a long way off.

Did it go to plan and/or was it what you thought it would be?

I had a bad cold all week leading up to the day, so it was a little tougher than I expected in the later stages. I happy that I finished in the time that I did given the lead up!

What were the moments that made you smile along the way?

Around halfway there was a line of supporters where every few feet a child was passing out sweets. I must have eaten at least 10 jelly babies within half a mile!!

Favourite part of the course?

There were a few sites along the way that are recognisable, but running past the Space Centre was impressive.

What’s the mantra that you were telling yourself to get you over the line?

Bit of a cliché but I always say to focus on the mile that you are currently in, not how much distance is left to run.

And finally, what’s your post-run treat?

Definitely a Moretti!

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