Garden and Leisure Labels

Are you in need of garden and leisure labels designed to withstand watering, weathering, frosts and sunlight without brittleness or fading? We can help.

At Soabar we manufacture everything from labels to go onto bottles of fertiliser, seed packets and plant pots, to more specialist products suitable for labelling nylon weave sacks and difficult outdoor applications. We can help create labels suitable for the harshest of environments.

We stock a combination of robust base materials, so your labels will still look good after being out in tough conditions for long periods of time, and you’ll still be able to label your products with eye-catching and full colour designs.

Whatever shape, size or material you’re looking for, we’ve got plenty of options for your garden and leisure labels.

High quality.
With over 35 years of experience with label printing at Soabar, we believe in providing only the best. Our labels are made to the highest quality and won’t let your business down.

Our labels are incredibly versatile, making them perfect for a different number of uses, especially for garden and leisure products. The labels can be printed on a variety of materials and configured with variable data, making sure they’re the perfect match for your needs.

    Let us help you