Make Sure You’re Ready for Black Friday With the Right Labels

Posted on 01/11/2017 in Company News, by Jon

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving has long been a busy day for retailers, and it’s only a few weeks away!

Giving businesses the opportunity to increase their visibility in the marketplace, Black Friday helps businesses to boost their revenue towards the end of the year and set themselves up for 2018.




So, how can you prepare for the big day?

First and foremost, labelling strategies should be planned for every month of the year; there’s always events that can be targeted in a customised marketing programme! However, Black Friday is a big event in the retail world, so it’s smart to have a label planned regardless.

Black Friday product labels are a fantastic way to properly package your products for one of the busiest days of the year, and customising the information on the labels will help the items jump off the shelf and shine brighter than others.

Creating custom labels for Black Friday products allows companies to go outside of the norm and put a truly exclusive spin on their packaging. Many businesses will be focused on raising awareness of the deals they are putting on rather than their packaging. Therefore, there’s a real opportunity to stand out with your labelling.

As well as creating a custom label for Black Friday, it’s always smart to make sure you have enough for all the produce you’re wanting to sell.

Here at Soabar no job is too big! We’re here for all your labelling needs and can definitely lend you a hand this coming Black Friday.


For your labels to arrive in time, we need plenty of time to print, prepare and ship your parcel, so be sure to order early and in time for the Black Friday rush.

We’re dedicated to continuing the pursuit of excellence in providing the ideal label printing solution for a wide range of applications, so you can be sure to find the right label choice for your product. In fact, whatever the label or application, contact us to discuss your requirements, we’ll be able to help you out.


Happy Black Friday!