Meet the Team: Cheryl Charlesworth, Head of Prepress

Posted on 10/03/2025 in Company News, by Emma Achurch

It’s time for another Meet the Team Monday, and this time we have a career and lifestyle insight from Cheryl Charlesworth, who manages our Pre-press department. Cheryl has been with Soabar for 9 years and is an invaluable member of our team. She has a wealth of knowledge on all things design and digital which she has gained through over 30 years of experience in the industry. Read on to find out more about the variety of her role, her love of music and a big life change that is happening very soon!


Talk us through your career journey, and how you came to work at Soabar.

I have worked with labels most of my life. I had been with another label company for 26 years before they sold as the owner retired, there was an opening at Soabar so I came here.

What is your role and what does it involve day to day?

My role is prepress. This involves proofing customer artworks and then once approved, stepping them ready for the printing process. I also create the print files for jobs with variable data. I process the sales orders for overprinting customers and a few others which come into my inbox.

I enjoy the job as a whole, no two days are ever the same. It can be a simple day where it is mainly customer artwork, or a complex day working with the variable data to end up with a format that gives the required information on the labels. I like a challenge learning something new.

What has been a professional challenge for you recently?

Recently we installed Cloudflow to automate the process from sales orders through to artwork proofs and this has been challenging for a while. It has settled down now but there were a fair few issues initially getting things to work how we wanted them to.

What do you enjoy most about working at Soabar?

I love the varied workload and the people I work with. It’s genuinely a nice place to work.

What are you currently looking forward to?

I’m currently in the middle of a house move and am looking forward to a new project.

Everyone at Soabar knows that you love your music! What can be heard playing as you work?

Music wise, I like a very varied selection, and it’s how I like to relax. I like music from the 80s as that was my teen years but I also like modern day stuff like Ed Sheeran, Coldplay, Adele and older music such as Meat Loaf, ELO etc. I have been to a lot of concerts over the years Elton John, Wet Wet Wet, Girls Aloud, Take That to name a few! The first one I ever saw was Erasure at Demontfort Hall and the most recent was Coldplay in Paris. I could cope without a TV but wouldn’t want to be without music.

What is your mid-afternoon pick me up?

My mid afternoon treat would probably be something savoury like crisps or a sausage roll.

If you could be transported back to any day in your life which on would it be and why?

If I could be transported back to any day it would probably be the day before I fell and broke my arm in Dominican Republic. It wasn’t one of my finest moments and took a while for us to get back to the UK.


Cheryl will be on the end of the phone ready to help you design your perfect label, applying her years of knowledge to your business’ brand.

Call us on 0116 2847000 for all your labelling needs!