Epson ColorWorks C8000

Fast speeds
Produce a range of high-quality labels, fast including those for food and beverage products, packaging and boxes, as well as EU Energy Labels and GHS Labels. With print speeds of up to 300mm/sec, you can now print labels in full colour, at the same speed as some incumbent thermal monochrome printers.
Printing labels on-demand helps eliminate costs associated with pre-printing, such as label waste and large label inventory. High-capacity ink pouches offer low cost per print. The permanent printhead offers significant cost savings, and peace of mind as none of its major components will need replacing for at least 500km worth of printing1.
Reliable and consistent results
The C8000 can help manufacturers produce consistent, high-quality labels in-house and on-demand. The printer features the PrecisionCore printhead to ensure reliable, high-quality results. Our unique Nozzle Verification Technology (NVT) and dot substitution help prevent misprints and dead pixels for consistent printouts.
Less downtime
All operations, such as paper loading, ink replacement, and printing operations can be performed from one side. In addition, large ink pouches help to print longer without stopping.
Easy to use with minimal maintenance
With its LCD control panel, set-up is easy. ESC/Label allows integration with virtually any operating system. In addition, the device comes with a full range of software utilities to support printer deployment, while NVT helps to prevent clogged nozzles. Extensive connectivity options and cloud printing support enable PC-less configurations.