The Nichols’ Isle of Wight Challenge Day 5
Posted on 18/11/2016 in Company News, by Jon

Jon, Sophie and Molly have completed the biggest physical challenge of their lives- walking 72 miles around the Isle of Wight in 5 days! They’ve battled wind, rain, mud and blisters, but yesterday they finally reached it back to Cowes where they began their journey on Sunday morning. This was no walk in the park though- every day brought new challenges, fresh aches and pains and a new end destination. But despite the psychological and physical difficulties experienced by all, they have completed the Isle of Wight Challenge and have managed to raise over £1,000 in the process!
But this series of blog posts wouldn’t be complete without an account of Day 5, as told by Jon and Sophie themselves:
“Day5! After 5 days of trekking round the island we have eventually made it back to Cowes and the car! A very difficult time has been had by all 3 of us. The challenges of waking further than we have before carrying weight on our back, uphill, downhill, mud, wind, rain, fog we are just missing snow to complete the weather! Very proud to say we have done it and how fantastic Sophie has been during the whole challenge! She’s been amazing! Molly has been pulling us both along as she’s always full of beans but wants to sleep at every opportunity!!”
I’m sure that you will join Soabar in congratulating them on this fantastic achievement. Their dedication and perseverance is something to be admired and they should be very proud of themselves.
If you’ve been left in awe by their efforts to go above-and-beyond, then please donate even the smallest amount of money to one (or more!) of their 3 chosen charities. Macmillan Cancer Support provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer. As well as helping with patients medical needs, they also look into the social, emotional and practical impact that cancer can have and campaign for better cancer care. Sophie, Jon and Molly have also been raising money for the British Heart Foundation, a charity that funds research into improving treatment, diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease, and finally the East Midlands Labrador Rescue Centre. This is a small a group of volunteers who place abandoned and unwanted dogs in new homes. They ensure that the dogs under their care are with them for a lifetime, and that they receive the best care possible. If you would like to find out more, then please visit Jon, Sophie and Molly’s Just Giving page.
Now all that’s left to say is a huge well done! Please leave your congratulatory messages on either our Facebook or Twitter page.
We hope that Jon, Sophie and Molly have a well deserved, relaxing break from all of the walking and recover speedily!
Thank you so much for reading ‘The Nichols’ Isle of Wight Challenge’. Please keep your eyes peeled for more blog posts coming shortly. These will contain company updates, product launches and interviews with our staff just to name a few topic areas!
From everyone at Soabar, we hope that you have a lovely weekend.